Not that long ago, I visited Lucca for the first time with my girlfriend, during our Tuscany trip. To be honest, I had never been to Lucca before. It’s a great city and I liked it so much I decided to highlight the reasons behind it.
1. Lucca is pedestrian-friendly
Who else has been to Rome or Naples and was paranoid about getting ploughed over by motorcycles and over-ambitious scooters? I mean, in those cities, you just have to cross the street with confidence and hope it goes in your favour.

This fear can be set aside in Lucca. The city walls keep out most of the cars, leaving a chilled-out inner city for people to enjoy by foot. People also aren’t rushing to the next huge attraction, but look like locals enjoying the Italian pace of life. I dig that.
2. It’s also bicycle-friendly

Lucca clearly cares about keeping out the cars and providing great options to go by wisper ebikes and other types of bikes. One of the most famous bike routes around the city is actually atop its ancient city walls.
3. Every alley is postcard-perfect

Warm yellows and oranges, rich turquoise, and deep emerald dominate Lucca’s pallete. My girlfriend and I didn’t really spent that much of the time here. However, we managed to snap so many pictures, everything was like the perfect photo.
4. Gorgeous city views
Being able to look out across a city’s rooftop and see a place from a different perspective really transforms how you see a destination. What’s great about Lucca is that it has so many towers to choose from.

No post about Lucca would be complete without panoramic views from one of Lucca’s two most prominent towers: Torre del Guinigi and Torre delle Ore.

5. Narrow streets and elaborate architecture
My favorite way to explore a city is on foot, wandering to my heart’s content. This is made so much easier when you’re in a compact, pedestrian-friendly place like Lucca.

Lucca can be a little challenging to navigate as its layout is quite random and organic. It still retains that medieval style of narrow streets and alleys. I love the experience of wandering through a city following whatever whim strikes me.
When it comes to churches and cathedrals, it’s fair to say that Italy has some of the best in the world. In so many Italian cities you find wonderfully adorned churches and cathedrals and Lucca is no exception. Within the small city you’ll find a surprising number of marble churches, each with its own elaborate facade and design.

One of the city’s most grand churches is the Chiesa di San Michele in Foro in the very heart of the old town.
6. Tons of historic and artisan shops

Especially if you are a foodie. There are tons of shops in Lucca where your heart’s deepest desires can be fulfilled. Just walking through the city center will have you passing bakeries famous for their culinary inventions (like Taddeucci who produced the first buccellato (raisin donut) or Forne Giusti , famous for Focaccia).
Whether you’re looking for a local specialty or just some olive oil and Parmesan to smuggle on the place…Lucca is an excellent place to shot before you hop on a plane home.
7. It’s the home of Puccini
I think there was a time where I would’ve probably fit under the “culture snob” category. Who isn’t a little bit during college, when your brain is getting so big with all those new facts and perspectives?

Italy’s most popular composer was born in 1858 at No 9, Corte San Lorenzo, just to the North of Lucca’s splendid Romanesque Church of San Michele in Foro. The Lucchese are proud of their connection with Puccini. It’s bronzed statue sits in Piazza Cittadella, opposite Ristorante Puccini and around the corner from Piccolo Hotel Puccini in Via di Poggio.
8. It’s still under the radar
People have been calling Lucca the hidden gem of Tuscany for literally years, but somehow the droves of tourists have yet to overtake the town. I really wonder why that is – what, with all these reasons to visit Lucca, why don’t more people do it?

Maybe having Pisa as a neighbor has something to do with it. Most people who come to Tuscany on a whirlwind trip will probably focus on Florence and Pisa, while passing up their little sister Lucca. Well, clearly that’s their loss! Lucca is unknown to tourists and even Italian people don’t value the town as much as it should be. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why Lucca was such a pleasure for me. I’ve never been there before. I saw pictures, watched appearing it on TV. Nevertheless, I’ve never believed how gorgeous it was till I got there.

Absolutely loving the detail and pictures in the post! I’m adding this place to my Must-Visit list!
Thank you so much! It’s one of those cities where you move on and that’s the mistake. Really recommend it!
We too loved Lucca! It is actually on our list for possible residence when we get our Italian citizenship. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
It’s a hidden gem, great place to live. I hope you will get it soon!! You’re welcome 🙂