Came to the seventh edition, Bergamo opens its doors to nature lovers with I Maestri del Paesaggio, an event focused on landscape that aims to think off the beaten track and re-think territory and nature from an innovative point of view, taking them straight to everyday life.
If the sixth edition was about the power of wild nature , this seventh edition takes to Bergamo some of the best landscape architects to create some amazing natural spaces, highlighting the issue of the relationship between man and nature.
The main installation, as always in Piazza Vecchia, the pulsating heart of the Upper Town, is designed by Lodewijk Baljon, an internationally renowned Dutch landscape designer, who combines singular elements such as a large ice block, a “roof” of balloons and evocative light displays, as a reflection on global warming.

I just loved the white air balloons floating in the air. It reminded me, in the slightest, of that Pixar Movie called Up where the house takes off into the air aided by the help of hundreds of helium balloons.

What is the 2017’s theme? It’s about a COOL landscape, where the word cool takes on many meanings: from the refrigeration given by the plants against the stressful heat of cities, to the artist’s disdainful attitude in his creations.
Apart from the main attraction, there are beautiful design gardens spread through the town. Some of them have a minimal style, others adorned in floral designs or some with evocative light displays.

Last but not least, “I Maestri del Paesaggio” is also related to culture and food with all one thing in common: #green.
I Maestri del Paesaggio | International Meeting
Bergamo, Italy
7-24 September 2017

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